Rambo Dry Rug

$239.00 NZD

Super fast drying for busy riders! The Rambo Dry Rug is a fantastic microfiber towelling cloth rug with a smart hideaway neck hood. It dries your horse in record time, absorbing moisture to leave a high gloss and smooth finish to your horse's coat.  Roll up the neck/hood to dry the...

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Horseware® Dry Liner (50g)

$195.00 NZD

This Horseware® Dry Liner (50g) is a problem solver. Drying sweaty horses quickly and efficiently - saving you time and effort. Designed to eliminate the need to use a separate moisture-wicking rug after exercise, you attach this liner to your Horseware® turnout (or stable rug) and it does the job of drying...

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Rambo Travel Series

$286.00 NZD

The Rambo® Travel Series (50g Lite) is specifically designed to offer the highest comfort for a horse whilst travelling. This is one travel essential you won't want to leave home without! Features: A contoured, quilted, microfibre outer and polar fleece lined top section offering warmth and superior moisture wicking properties Mesh sides provide maximum...

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